Mensajeros Urbanos - 2022

MU Onboarding

Creation of a new onboarding flow to short the long process of the user's registration

MU Onboarding
My Role

UX/UI Designer

My Team

Mensajeros Urbanos


4 Months


Information Architecture
User Flows
Visual Design
Interaction Design


Creation of a new registration flow for Mensajeros Urbanos App, to facilitate the process when a new user wants to join as an allie.


  • Reduce steps through the "Register" process
  • Create a clear and easy flow for the allies.
  • Create a quick process with relevant information

The Process

Analysis of Onboarding

The current onboarding flow was reviewed and compared with other similar apps, finding several points of improvement, and helping us to understand how these points could be improved.

Exos 01

New User Flow

App Users were interviewed and based on the feedback, a new userflow was made, prioritizing the relevant information, and reducing steps through the flow.

Exos 01

A fresh look

Inicially, there was a bunch of text fields and scrolleable data through the registration process. In order to improve this overloaded process, all the information was simplified, icons and images replaced the old text fields, to give a visual experience to the user.

Exos 01

A clear Prototype

In order to show Stakeholders how the onboarding could work, a prototype was built in detail, including microinteractions as loading screens, uploading information, filling fields, following an specific path. Different scenarios were defined in the final document (Figma File)

Exos 01


An easy-quick onboarding process

Creation of an easy-quick and simplified onboarding process, with a complete mobile experience for the allies

Exos Outcome

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